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  • Registrant : Taiwan
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2024/01/26
  • Published : 2024/01/26
  • Changed :2024/01/26
  • Total View : 815 persons
2024/8/1 - 2024/8/19 / Taipei / Seasonal / Occasion

2024 Taiwan International Balloon Festival

The Taiwan International Balloon Festival has become one of Taiwan’s most anticipated summer events. In 2018, the Travel Channel named it as one of the world's top-12 hot air balloon festivals.

The Taiwan International Balloon Festival has become one of Taiwan’s most anticipated summer events. In 2018, the Travel Channel named it as one of the world's top-12 hot air balloon festivals.

Address Taipei
Date 2024/8/1 - 2024/8/19
Time detail
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Venue detail

Vivinavi - Events

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